#AskMurph Why You Can’t Find Help For Home Remodeling In Minneapolis (VIDEO) — Metropolitan Home Team

#AskMurph Why You Can’t Find Help For Home Remodeling In Minneapolis (VIDEO)

Eric asked:  "I have been searching high and low for someone to replace the cement front stoop at my house in Minneapolis. I can't get anybody!" 

Eric! I feel your pain! Listen, at the end of the day, in this post-lockdown transition, there is a lot going on when it comes to remodeling or real estate. 

It has been gang busters. 

If you're trying to get bids on anything remodeling, I'm gonna tell you right now, general contractors and subcontractors are buried. 

When you get that bid, be prepared for it to be more than what you expected to pay. 

For instance, for this front stoop, be prepared to pay $3,000 to $4,000. And if someone quotes you $8,000, don't do it, because they're just throwing it out there to see how desperate you are.

Now the other thing is to not take the lowest bid because that might be the worst contractor.

Any contractor that's worth anything right now is going to be busy. So you're going to want to get the right contractor.

Thanks, Eric, for the question and good luck! If you're looking for a sub-contractor, general contractor, or you need any help when it comes to remodeling, building a house, an addition, whatever, hit me up. I'm here to help.

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